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”The best water in the world in an award winning bottle”

                     The SPRING AQUA Premium spring

                     water bottle has won the first prize in

                     the package category of the German Design Award 2017 competition, the Excellent Communication Design series. The product itself, the”SPRING” water from the Multila spring close to the Polar Circle, was awarded a prize as the best water in the world in the Superior Taste Award competition in Brussels this summer. Pure spring water is a very highly valued product  in the world.The idea with our Premium bottle is to further enhance the quality of the water and to deliver the best water in the world in an appealing, high class package.

”We are proud to be able to market our pure Finnish water with the help of this recognition”, says Ms. Minna Ali-Haapala, marketing manager at Finn Spring. The German Design Award is one of the most widely known design competitions in the world. The international judges of the German Design Council selects the winners among pioneering projects in design. According to Ms. Minna Ali-Haapala, it was the organizers themselves who proposed Finn Spring to participate in the competition.

Our SPRING water has received an international award!

The spring water of the Finnish water company Finn Spring was awarded full points in the Superior Taste Award competition in Brussels in June. The domestic SPRING water products have received an award in the international Superior Taste Award-competition. The competition was arranged by the International Taste & Quality Institute (iTQi2016). The SPRING water was given three stars (Exceptional taste) and the sparkling spring water two stars (Remarkable taste). The price in the Superior Taste Award competition is a unique recognition of the high quality of foodstuff products.

15 recognized food experts and sommeliers from around Europe act as judges in the organisation and taste the products through blind tests. There were participants and award-winning brands from all over the world.

We have always been aware of the excellent quality of our spring water. Our whole business does, indeed, rely on this wonderful natural raw material. We are very honoured by the international recognition awarded to the SPRING products. "The recognition brings added value and strengthens our promise regarding the best water in the world", says Ms. Virpi Ali-Haapala, adminstration manager at Finn Spring.

Kauppalehti 1.2.2017

The trend change has been obvious already for several years. The sales of sodas with sugar has decreased along with the increased awareness of health issues.  Breweries constantly come out with new products that contain less sugar. Read the article by clicking ”Kauppalehti”.

Spring Service Oy, Kalliontie 28 36220 Kangasala


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